Trust & Estate Litigation

Trust and estate litigation involves legal disputes related to trusts, wills, and estates. These disputes can arise for various reasons, including disagreements over the distribution of assets, fiduciary duty issues, contested wills, or allegations of undue influence or lack of capacity.
In trust and estate litigation, it is crucial to navigate the complexities of probate law and trust administration while addressing the emotional dynamics that often accompany these cases. This area of law requires a keen understanding of not only the legal statutes and precedents but also the unique family and interpersonal dynamics that can complicate resolution.
At Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law, we recognize the sensitive nature of trust and estate litigation. Our expert team is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal counsel and representation to trustees, beneficiaries, executors, and other parties involved in these disputes.
Whether our clients are seeking to defend their rights as beneficiaries, challenge the validity of a will, remove an unfit trustee, or address any other trust or estate-related issue, we approach each case with the utmost professionalism, discretion, and commitment to achieving a favorable outcome.
If you are facing trust and estate litigation, we are here to provide the guidance and advocacy you need to navigate this challenging process. Contact us today to discuss your situation and learn how we can assist you in protecting your interests and achieving a resolution in line with your objectives.